Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An interesting site that visually shows the population according to race. Each dot is one person:
"We [Americans] interpret everything through a lens of pragmatism, through a transactional understanding of the world. Many of us come to church Sunday after Sunday with an expectation of receiving something . . . But God does not exist to be useful. God exists to be adored, simply because of who he is. True worship is never transactional. True worship expects nothing in return. True worship is, at its core, an act of senseless, wasteful, indulgent beauty."
                         Skye Jenthani, Newsong Church, Irvine, CA
Bad news: According to, Rochester ranks as #21 in the list of most post-Christian cities in the U.S. Other bad news: Albany is #1 and Bishop Matano's Burlington, VT is #2.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

After a year of waiting, Pope Francis has chosen Bishop Matano, currently Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, as the new bishop of Rochester. (1THES 5:8) "[Since] we are of the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet that is hope for salvation."

Saturday, October 5, 2013

In our individualistic culture, 
everyone wants to stand out from the crowd.
Okay, fine.
Just remember that the tallest blade of grass
gets cut first.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Does this sound like what's happening--again--today?

"For no order can be achieved except in accordance with God's law. The new order of the world must be based on the historical fulfillment of the order of God, otherwise it will be just another edifice on shifting sand doomed to destruction like the rest. Human regeneration must come from within according to the pattern which defines us as being created in God's image. Otherwise history will repeat itself, and we shall be faced with further madness and confusion." (Fr. Alfred Delp, SJ, executed by the Nazis in 1945.)

And what is God's order? Children who are conceived and born. Marriage between a man and a woman. Natural death. Carrying a cross and climbing it into heaven.

Monday, September 30, 2013

St. Francis de Sales Church
St. Stephen Church

Field hospitals in Geneva, New York.
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Did you know that Blessed Teresa of Calcutta received permission to add a divine praise? She added: "Blessed be Jesus in the faces of the poor."

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Poor

"[The poor man] is the sacrament of our encounter with Christ, of our love given to Christ . . ."
                          Servant of God Madeleine Delbrel